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CHORUS software

CHORUS is a set of MATLAB (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) routines and a stand-alone executable program to process, review and analyse large datasets of sea noise recordings made by autonomous recorders, such as SM2 from Wildlife Acoustics, Sound Traps from Ocean Instruments, etc. CHORUS is the main software tool to analyse data from the Passive Acoustic Observatories of the Integrated Marine Observing System.
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Signal detection software – Omura’s whale detector

Omura’s whales (Balaenoptera omurai) occur in tropical waters off western and northern Australia. They produce song by repeating an amplitude-modulated low-frequency (15-62 Hz; 12-15s) vocalisation every 160-210s. The detector looks for this sound. It computes a spectrogram and then the Shannon entropy of the spectrogram looking for non-random pixels.
Find out more about Omura’s whale detector

Underwater acoustic propagation modeling software (AcTUP)

AcTUP is free software which provides a consistent menu driven user interface to a variety of underwater acoustic propagation codes, including the 2005 release of the Acoustic Toolbox written by Mike Porter at HLS Research and several versions of the Range dependent Acoustic Model (RAM), written by Mike Collins from the US Naval Research Laboratory. AcTUP V2.2L runs under MATLAB and was written by our Centre with support from the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).
Find out more about AcTUP

SONAR2MAT software

SONAR2MAT is a program that converts selected Multibeam echo-sounder and SONAR files to MATLAB (.mat) data format to allow advanced data analysis and algorithm development.
Find out more about SONAR2MAT

HumConverter software

HumConverter converts Humminbird fishfinder echo-sounder data files (.dat, .son and .idx) into MATLAB data files (.mat).
Find out more about HumConverter

SailTool software

SailTool is a program for the measurement and parameterisation of yacht sails and rigging. The program runs on PCs running Microsoft Windows and provides a user-friendly interface for performing high accuracy measurements. It is now available as freeware.
Find out more about SailTool

Sail imaging software

The Centre has developed a range of yacht sail image processing technologies. One software package in the range is titled ‘Sail Imaging’ and has been developed to perform semi-automatic image processing of yacht sail images. The software semi-automatically tracks the position and shape of the sail draught stripes and provides useful parameterised information about the shape of the stripes. This information is used by the sail maker or sail trimmer to ensure the sail is of the right shape and is extracting the most power from the wind.
Find out more about sail imaging software

Stereoscopic video equipment

The Centre has developed a range of stereoscopic video hardware for use in a wide range of applications, both above and below water. Stereoscopic video (or 3D video) provides many benefits over the use of conventional 2D video. A 3D display provides a more realistic and dynamic presentation and for remote control applications it can increase the performance of the operator of the remote equipment. The following range of equipment is available:

  • Mini-3D Underwater Stereoscopic Video Camera
  • Compact Underwater Stereoscopic Video Camera
  • Stereoscopic Video Camera Systems
  • 3D Video Multi-Standard Converter
  • S-Video Demux – Field-sequential 3D Video De-multiplexer
  • 3D Video Multiplexer (3DMUX)

Find out more about stereoscopic video equipment

Underwater sound recorders

The CMST Underwater Sound Recorder is an innovative device capable of autonomously collecting large amounts of acoustic data under a range of sampling schemes. It can be deployed for up to two years and is particularly suited to long term monitoring of man-made and natural underwater sound. It has been successfully used for studies of biological sea noise (fish, whales, etc.), physical sea noise (breaking waves), and a variety of man-made underwater sounds.
Find out more about underwater sound recorders